Hársfa Restaurant
Our history
In 1985 I graduated from the secondary school for gastronomy in Sopron, and since then I have loved my job till enthusiasm. No other hobby is necessary either!
After a few years working as a waiter and as a personal assistant, I opened my first restaurant in Austria with my family. After a while, however, I was unable to find my place and my heart drew me more and more back to Hungary. There was no question that at home we will only think of the hospitality industry. Then I heard the tip that the Hársfa restaurant was for rent. Well, it wasn’t.
However, I had a very good conversation with the then owner, who finally reconsidered it, so we moved home in 1994 and took over the restaurant.
In 1996 it was time to connect our lives forever with each other. It occurred to me then that I wanted to create something very special, unique and unrepeatable. I started with the appearance of the restaurant.
As a basic idea, I dreamed of a typical Tscharda of the Hungarian Plain – as it turned out later, wrongly. We tried dozens of ideas with many interior designers and redesigned the restaurant several times from the inside, but none of it was the real one.
And then Ottó Hoffer came with the idea of the old mill. I immediately fell in love with the plans and I am still grateful to him that he wrenched me out of my dreams and created this
internally and externally unique miracle that today several other restaurants are already trying to copy.
Hársfa Restaurant
Our menu
Our dishes
Of course, not only because of this the Hársfa is considered the “best restaurant of Móvár”. The Hungarian and international dishes, which cannot be falsified, the well-known, but nevertheless newly created flavors and the huge portions do not let anyone go without lasting culinary experiences.
The menu is reconsidered every half year–year with the chef. The planning phase is already very exciting: we select the dishes according to the current trends, browse through dozens of specialist literature, ask our guests about their opinion and then only plan for weeks, looking for ideas and of course cooking. Everything has to be perfect, harmonious and unforgettable, that’s the only way to get it on the menu of the Hársfa restaurant.
Of course, we also always have a current seasonal offer that relates to the time of the year, the season or an upcoming holiday. Great successes are the Goose days, the Asparagus days, but the biggest successes are celebrated every year by the Venison days.
Hársfa Restaurant
Our menu
The secret of our dishes is terribly simple:
We work every day with fresh raw materials of impeccable quality,
wherever possible we only choose local ingredients,
we use the unique aroma of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
we only season with delicate, fragrant spices,
we prepare all our dishes with care and love.